Continuation of part 3
Mind of the Soul

In here let us discuss about the brain. These 72 hours could be a transit period for transferring the stored data from brain to mind as mind never dies (mind is the brain of soul and the soul never dies). Mind does not have a physical existence and anything without a physical existence never dies. GOD is the best example for that.
Another example, say Mr., X dies due to any reason, just after his death we will say this is the dead body of Mr. X, now after the death we will never say that this is Mr. X inside the coffin we will say this is the dead body of Mr. X inside the coffin, then where is Mr. X. Mr. X is the one who was controlling the body, the physical body died but X is still there but we cannot see him, even we never saw him when the body was alive. For example I can say this is my head, my hands, my feet, etc... Then where am I, another important thing is this that a body cannot survive without a soul, same is with the soul, it also needs a body to keep its existence. We know it very well that in this world nothing could survive without a support, this topic of support is very vast, I can give you a lot of examples on this topic, and here I am giving a few examples out of that. We should see around us, the chair I am sitting on and writing this article need a support of the floor, pen I am writing with need a support of ink and my hand, while I am busy in writing I am also enjoying coffee, coffee need a support of mug while mug need a support of table, table is given support of the floor, the floor is supported by the walls etc…, The best and simple example are the words, words are supported by their meanings without meaning they do not have any value, I can say it without any doubt that meaning of a word are the soul of that word because meanings are keeping that world alive, etc… nothing in this world could survive at its own every thing is dependent of something. In simple science everything is a compound of some 2 or more than 2 elements. Same is with the soul it cannot survive without a body. Now if this is the case then after the death where the soul goes? What is and where is the new body of the soul. Either we have to believe in Hindu philosophy of reincarnation or we should have some other answer to this question. Reincarnation is a very old philosophy, but it seems to be more political than practical as this philosophy was the main support for Arians to rule the India, and Arians had propagated this thought all over the India for their own survivals… so where the soul goes after the death .
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Author : Wajahat - 24 Sept - 2009
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