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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Flirting Is an Art

Many people have no idea how to flirt. They simply are not able to communicate with the opposite sex and let them know how they feel. Flirting is an art and a verb (action word). The most important thing to remember when you set out to flirt is to wear something that you feel sexy in. It could be something silky, short or low cut. Maybe your favorite pair of jeans that you think looks great on you. Then when you walk in the room walk in with all the confidence in the world.

If you find that one person you want to flirt with, glance over at him. look him directly in the eyes and smile. Purposely lick your lips and while your talking to someone else give him a side ways glance. When you decide it's time to talk to him, go up to him and start talking to him. Gently while talking to him touch his hand or rub her shoulders if she she cold or maybe give him a gentle massage. Be creative; you need to touch. If you don't know him find someone who does and have them introduce you. Girls try not to be too pushy or obtainable at first because men love the chase. Remember to compliment her/him. "You have the most beautiful eyes." "That dress looks great on you." Remember that many people flirt when ever someone is around, male or female.

If the subject of your desire is flirting with you and you only then there's interest. If your subject is flirting with everyone don't put too much into it and set yourself up for a fall. That does not mean give up on your subject it's just that you need to know what the situation is before you continue.

Debbie Krause aka Dr. Mama Love: http://www.askdrmamalove.com/.

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